Урок английского языка по теме «The Past Simple tense»: различия между версиями

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Версия 15:10, 2 октября 2011

Урок английского языка по теме «The Past Simple tense»

Главная цель урока: совершенствование грамматических навыков, развитие умений монологической речи на основе текста.

Развивающий компонент цели урока: развитие языковых, познавательных способностей учащихся, развитие эмоций школьников и готовности к коммуникации, гуманистическое развитие личности ученика.

Образовательный компонент цели урока: расширение лингвистического кругозора школьников.

Воспитательный компонент цели урока: создание условий для воспитания культуры общения в разных видах коллективного взаимодействия и поддержания интереса к учению.

Практический компонент цели урока: практическое использование грамматических навыков по теме “Past Simple”.

Оборудование урока:

1. Индивидуальный дидактический материал (тексты, карточки с упражнениями, текст стихотворения “Humpty-Dumpty”);

2. К.И. Кауфман, М.Ю. Кауфман “Happy English.ru” учебник для 6-го класса.

Ход урока

I. Начало урока, организационный момент

  1. Создание атмосферы иноязычного общения.
  2. Мотивация учащихся, сообщение темы.
  3. Создание положительного микроклимата.

Good morning, children!

Good morning! Good morning! Good morning to you! Good morning! Good morning!

We are glad to see you!

I’m very glad to see you too. I hope you are feeling well today. So today we’ll continue working with the Past Simple. You’ll do a lot of interesting exercises that will help you to understand this material better.

II.Фонетическая зарядка

Listen to the rhyme and find verbs in the Past Simple.

Humpty Dumpty.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

All the king’s horses

And all the king’s men,

Couldn’t put Humpty together again.

(sat had, could)

Let’s remember the Russian rhyme Шалтай-Болтай by S. Marshak. Who knows?


Сидел на стене,


Свалился во сне.

Вся королевская конница,

Вся королевская рать

Не может Шалтая,

Не может Болтая,



Шалтая-болтая собрать.

III. Актуализация знаний, полученных на предыдущих уроках.

1. Аудирование текста

Listen to the text and write down verbs in the Past Simple.

Once upon a time there______ a very old man and a very old woman. They______in a nice clean house which_______ flowers all round it. But they couldn’t be happy because they_____ so very lonely. “If only we ______a cat” _____ the very old woman. “A cat?” _____ the very old man. “Yes, a sweet little cat” ____ the very old woman. “I’ll get you a cat, my dear,”_____ the very old man. And he _____ over the hills to look one.

(Keys: were, lived, had, were, had, said, asked, said, said, went)

2. Work in the groups

Read these texts, translate and find irregular verbs.

The first group:

Mary got up at 7 o’clock yesterday. She washed her face and cleaned her teeth. Then she had breakfast. She took her bag and went to school.

The second group:

Jane came home at 2 o’clock yesterday. She had dinner. Then she cleaned her room. She did her homework. Then she played games.

The third group:

My mother came home from work at 6 o’clock yesterday. She cooked supper. Then she watched TV. She read a book and went to bed at 10 o’clock.

3.“Magic box” (карточки с первой формой неправильных глаголов, учащиеся должны назвать вторую форму глагола и перевести на русский язык ).

Beat Beat
Become Became
Begin Began
Be Was, were
Blow Blew
Bring Brought
Build Built
Buy Bought
Can Could
Catch Caught
Choose Chose
Come Came
Cost Cost
Cut Cut
Do Did
Draw Drew
Drink Drank
Drive Drove
Eat Ate
Fall Fell

4.Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

Work in groups:

  1. year, He, a, built, last, house;
  2. 1998, they, a, in, bank, worked, in;
  3. broke, yesterday, my, a, brother, vase;
  4. ago, the, five, lesson, began, minutes;
  5. last, Ann, granny, visited, her, week.


  1. He built a house last year;
  2. They worked in a bank in 1998;
  3. My brother broke a vase yesterday;
  4. The lesson began 5 minutes ago;
  5. Ann visited her granny last year.

5. Write 5 sentences about things you did yesterday.

Work in groups.

  1. We went…….
  2. We had……….
  3. We did ……….
  4. We walked…….
  5. We played…….

IV. Развитие умений монологической речи, контроль правильности использования изученного лексического и грамматического материала в монологе по тексту: «A relative in London».

Work in groups.

The first group.

Your task:

Tell us please about Robin and his family.

In 1599 Robin lived in Edinburgh and his father was one of the Scottish patriots. They wanted to return the Stone of Destiny to Scotland. But it was not easy. The Stone was in London and the way to London was difficult. The English knew about their organization and they could catch and kill any of their members.

The second group.

Your task:

Tell us please about time tunnels.

Only the greatest wizards knew about time tunnels. These tunnels took people to the past or to the future. The organization of Scottish patriots chose Robin for that mission. Robin could not get to London of his time, but he could use the time tunnel and get to London of the past or of the future. He could take the Stone and come back.

The third group

Your task:

Tell us please about the problem during the trip.

When they travel in time they take somebody’s place there, so somebody must take their place in their time. This person must be their age and must be their relative. That was difficult. Robin wanted to go to London, so they looked for a relative in London. They could not find anybody in the past. They found a relative in the future. It was Rosy’s brother Rob.

V. Заключительный этап:

  1. подведение итогов;
  2. выставление оценок;
  3. инструктаж к домашнему заданию;
  4. рефлексия.

1) So I hope you like our todays lesson. What did you do at our lesson today?

- Today we listened to the text and write down verbs in the Past Simple.

- We read the text and found irregular verbs.

- We put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

- We wrote 5 sentences about things we did yesterday.

- We told about Robin’s story.

2) I’m very satisfied with your work today. Thank you. I want to give you excellent and good marks.

3) Your home task is p.245 irregular verbs, topic.

4) If you liked our lesson show me the merry faces if you didn’t like – the sad ones. Good bye! See you later.