Учебный проект Никто не забыт ничто не забыто
Sidorova Zoya Andreevna
My heart seemed to inspire gray hairs at his temples. Drifted past the river, but the soul in tears. In the battle for the Motherland soldiers marched by step step. Believed in victory sacred-not to crush their enemy.
Objective: To understand the pain that moved the world during the Great Patriotic War, to remember heroes, held out, winning, offers hope to the people that gave birth to life and happiness, to show what should be left to the war in every family. Objectives: 1. Visit the World War II veterans. 2. To provide sponsorship assistance to veterans. 3. Invite them to visit the school: the class hours, to the event. Many years have passed from that terrible war, thickets, overgrown trenches and craters, rose from the ruins of cities and villages, but the memory of that time does not go away from the heart. And now 65 years since Victory. People again and again returned to the memory of those distant, full of gravity and the great courage of the war years. Memory of War is a matter not only veterans, but the younger generation. War and victory - not only history, it is a fact of moral heroism of Soviet people, who took over the brunt of the fight against fascism, decently and courageously performed their sacred duty. The consequences of the last war and felt today. It is therefore very important to keep in memory what we know about war, about the participants of the war and the rear. We, especially students, need to ask the veterans about their past military life, learn about their exploits, to help them than we can. Gone is the decade since then, died away as the shots of the Great Patriotic War, but the memory of those stores deeds perpetrated every day all the long years of war. 1. Visit BOB neighborhood of our school. 2. To provide sponsorship assistance to veterans. 3. Invite them to visit the school: the class hours, to the event. October 4, 2009 in our school for the first time held an event called Retro - cafe, which was devoted to the Day of Older Persons. Our Retro Cafe WWII veteran, retired district. Gathered together, in close range, veterans congratulated each other on the occasion, recalled his younger years. Organizers of the event became a teacher-organizer Pashkova OI with the participation of the social teacher Sayfulin ZM Together, they congratulated the guests on the holiday, talked to them about youth, about the school years, the first teacher. Has competition rhymes for friendly table all together singing lyrical songs. And at the end of the event each visitor of our Retro Cafe left the wish school.
- Где выжили? Расскажите о войне.
Я с самого детства жила в деревни. Но когда мне исполнилось 11 лет внезапно началась война. Мне пришлось кинуть школу. Я там отучилась 3 класса. А кто-то 4 класса. А мой муж в школе отучился ровно 5 классов. На войне ему было трудно. С поля боя он вернулся уже без правой ноги. Но он выжил. Нам детям на войне было очень трудно. Нам вечно не хватала еды. В городе начался голод. В продуктовых магазинах практически ничего не было. Но ничего мы всё-таки выжили. И мы здесь.
- Как вы думаете, наша молодёжь могла бы справиться с теми временами?
Я думаю, что нет. Ведь тогда не было таких технологий как сейчас. Не было этих компьютеров и сотовых телефонов. Кто-то из молодёжи конечно стремятся нам помочь. Например, донести сумки из магазина домой. Спасибо им за это. А кто-то и не замечает нас. Вечно перед глазами курят и пьют спиртные напитки. Это очень не приятно, а особенно нам, ветеранам.
- Что вы пожелаете нашей молодёжи?
Конечно счастья и здоровья. Чтобы не пили и не курили. Слушались и уважали старших, помогали нам в трудные секунды и моменты. Мы вам очень благодарны за вашу помощь.