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                                     Inducement to Consider Solar Power For Your Home

Solar power is proving itself as one of the most popular and effective source of alternative source of energy. This source is now widely accepted in the world and countries like US and Australia is using this system to light up densely populated parts of their countries. Brown coal is the primary source of electricity in Melbourne and Victoria. It supplies almost 85 % of total electricity supply. Other than this supply Australia also has other alternative energy source provision. Wind, Hydro and especially solar power systems in Victoria help in sustaining of life by providing electricity.

Victorian government is taking drastic step to bring forward and patronise these alternative sources of energy. Government is encouraging people to use these alternative sources of energy by offering special rebate price on them. Solar power systems are highly developed in Victoria and government is also patronising other unconventional sources like geothermal and bio-energy.

Power retailers are helping government to focus on and develop the field of renewable source of energy so that they can decrease the dependence on the source of Brown coal. Australian government has planned to increase the rate of renewable energy consumption to 25% by 2020. Solar power systems in Victoria is expected to bear the burden of maximum electric supply, being the most developed form of renewable source of energy. Victoria is weak ion generating hydro electrical powers as it has a scarcity of water resource. In spite of this limited resource government has been successful in generating hydro electricity from Victoria plant along with solar power systems and wind farms.

Not only the power station but also the people of Victoria are interested in the usage of alternative energy like solar air conditioning. Solar panels mounted on the roofs of each house are a clear evident of this. Commercial fields in Victoria have also shifted their power supply to this alternative energy in recent years. This is also because of the government announced rebates on the alternative source and the increasing expenses of the conventional electric supply. Retailers are also supporting Australian Government to go ahead with this successful campaign.

Victoria is a step ahead from all other countries that are still depending on the conventional and non renewable source of energy. Along with the developing solar power systems Victoria also trying to develop its wind farms and hydro electricity to outshine the importance and break the monopoly of Brown coal power. Government of Australian is taking this step for certain reasons. According to the government, it is better not to depend on a single source of energy especially when it is an exhaustible one. There are also other advantages of these unconventional sources apart from being non- exhaustible. These power supplies hardly generate any by product that is harmful for environment. Again it is not using such natural resources which can lead to environmental imbalance in far future. They also suggest rest of their people to accept the renewable source as permanent source of energy. Even they are patronising solar cookers and heaters to avoid the excess use of electricity. Australia believes that solar power system can change the world to a better one.

this content has been taken from http://colasolar.wordpress.com/2012/06/20/inducement-to-consider-solar-power-for-your-home/